Friday, 24 August 2018

Who can qualify to be an HR Manager?

In our current modern materialistic world, where everything can be bought and sold and human lives are measured in a weigh alongside mere capital, it is quite hard to discover individual of gold heart, who desire nothing but the service of humanity. However rest assured; the search shall not be in vain. It often occurs that HR Career seniors encounter a queue of individuals, waiting to be recognized and mentored as HR career person. However, when their motives are brought to query, they often confess they’re in it because “they love coordination, team work and helping people in need.” However, that is indeed a tragedy of HR recruits because such candidates are more suited towards general management than HR; a harsh truth indeed, but this very same misinterpretation often leads to incompetent individuals joining the career. Let it be blatantly known that HR – although the name might sound like – is not a place for “nice” people. It is, however, an expectation from the newer recruits – it’s quite hard and often wished to find a “nice” partner in HR careers – not a qualifying characteristic – a common misconception which leads to wrong people applying for HR.

This predicament can be solved with one simple equation and explanation: HR is a place for just people; not nice people. There are a lot of situations in HR careers where, being nice just won’t cut. For instance, some individuals might perceive that extra amount of work can reward them with extra salary; however, the pay is only according to what the job itself is worth for. These are some of the cruel decisions one is required to take in the field of HR and result in many disagreements and conflicts between members and thus, any pacifist would be easily overwhelmed beneath the weight.

Article Source: Axpert Jobs

Thursday, 23 August 2018

New HR Infrastructure

A vast number of organizations still pertain to the traditional “top-to-bottom” mechanism when it comes to organizational structure and operations, however recent studies conducted have concluded that in our today’s society, such an infrastructure is completely obsolete. The perfect example that can describe the initiation of this infrastructure is that in the beginning when organizations were few in numbers and vast in manpower, there were not a lot many opportunities available for lower workers to choose from, as alternatives, so they were used to bearing this tiring and medieval “top-to-bottom” structure, where all the power and authority was in the hands of superiors while the lower portion of the workplace was considered as outcasts. However, with the rise of the society of millennials, much of this has changed, since newer society has brought with it a large number of more organizations with even better workplace infrastructures that do not rely on this ‘top-to-bottom’ infrastructure.

Millennials prefer a system where all working bodies are considered equal, however, the authorities may lie in the hands of superiors. This means that the lower portion of the workplace should be requested as much as the upper portion of the workplace. All issues within the workplace should be tackled adequately, and no individual should be perceived as nothing more, or nothing less when it comes to teamwork. We’re seeing the initial stages of this friendly infrastructure already in works and many employers are now using WhatsApp and other groups for communication, where all members of the workplace will have access to information, instead of traditional ‘top-to-bottom’ channels where half of the information dissolves on the way. This promotes transparency, trust, and better work motivation.

Article Source : Axpert Jobs

Tuesday, 14 August 2018

What is social recruiting? And Its Benefits

Social recruiting also known as social hiring or social media recruitment is the system used to find potential candidates by using social platforms for advertising.
It uses blog’s, social media profiles and other websites to find information on potential candidates, it also makes use of advertising the vacancy on HR vendor sites or crowdsourcing platforms – a platform where job seekers share and find job openings within their own social networks.
Social recruitment has progressed at a fast pace and enjoys a good place in fast-moving places like social networking, recruitment and also cloud computing. Another hot trend is, mobile recruiting, which has been on the rise thanks to the increase in tablet and smartphone users.
Here are a few benefits of using Social Recruiting :
1) Better Exposure of Vacancy
Facebook, Twitter & LinkedIn have around a billion users each. Sharing your job postings on these sites increases your chances of coming across top talent.
2) Better Quality Candidates
You can target potential candidates by demographics interests or skills and even based on work history. This ensures that you will get the best possible fit for the profile you are looking for.
3) Exposure of Employer Brand
Social recruiting always increases the visibility of The organizations brand, and also helps establishing a powerful social presence for your employer brand.
4) Extra Referrals 
Referrals are a great source of hiring.
Advising your current employee’s to get in touch with their friends via social links to share the jobs postings will make the referral process easier.
5) Less Expensive
Running an Ads and recruitment campaigns will cost you way less and helps you to reach a larger audience.
Conversations that start on social media can be directed into a telephonic round, then interviews and finally to make or break the hire!
A large majority spend at least 15 to 20 minutes on a daily basis surfing the internet. If you have already started using social media to hire, it’s a good thing to know a few added benefits that recruiting on social media brings to an organization.

Article Source : Axpert Jobs

Alternative Dispute Resolution in Workplace

Alternative dispute resolution or ADR is a substitute to the traditional modes of resolving workplace grievances. The methods are effective for the resolution of conflicts, disagreements, and issues at the workplace without resorting to enlisting courts, arbitrators or attorneys. The principles on which ADR functions of mediation and negotiation. Given that the practice of these two principles is used to reach a compromise suitable to all the parties involved there is a lesser risk for the parties and thereby results in an expeditious resolution.
It is preferable to the traditional litigation method owing to its ability to expedite cases and cost saving; contrary to the traditional method. Additionally, the added favorable factor which makes ADR more preferable is the equal consideration given to the interests of both parties instead of the outcomes built on the positions of parties involved. This is possible due to the style of dispute resolution used in ADR which can be tailored to the needs of the parties or the nature of the dispute in addition to the third party involved (Stipanowich, 2004).
The tilt towards ADR is partially a result of dual factors like institutional pressures and human resources strategies looking towards nonunion methods or procedures (Colvin, 2003). The use of mediation has increased significantly due to the efficiency, cost saving and other benefits that it provides. There are numerous programs for the resolution of the dispute without resorting to adjudication. Specialist human resources managers and recognized trade unions have been found to be positively associated with the more private forms of alternative dispute resolution. Participants have shown to prefer control over the outcomes, control over the process and rules-based process in mediation (Shestowsky, 2004).

Article source : Axpert Jobs

Staff Performance Appraisal System

For a company or an organization, it is important to demonstrate their efficacy which is demonstrated through the quality of performance and organization’s future goals. Employee’s performance and the overall performance of the company thus are monitored. The function of staff performance appraisal by the human resource department is essential in managing the performance of the members of the organization; which is achieved through performance management processes. There is a direct relation between staff performance ability of the organization to meet its goals (Selden & Sowa, 2011).
The chosen performance management systems should be one which is free of any subjectivity or bias and is based on empirical and theoretical evidence (Prowse & Prowse, 2009). This allows the managers to not only set goals and expectation with their employees but also to evaluate their performance whose results determine if they are to be rewarded or if there is a need for a corrective measure and intervention. Thus the ubiquitous purpose of performance appraisals is to set a concrete and apparent expectation of what is expected from an employee.
The appraisal system will perform well if it is in line with the vision and the mission of the organization, has accurate content and purpose as well as has positive impacts on the employee’s performance along with corrective measures or changes made to remedy the negative impacts. Some clear gaps that should be avoided include: absence of appropriate reward for the best performing employees, no information provided to the employees about the appraisal system, absence of feedback on the results and no participation of employees in the formulation of the evaluation tools itself and those which are not redesigned periodically (Daoanis, 2012).


Daoanis, L. E. (2012). PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM: It’s Implication To Employee Performance. International Journal of Economics and Management Sciences, 55-62.
Prowse, P., & Prowse, J. (2009). The Dilemma of Performance Appraisal. Business Performance Measurement and Management, 195-206.
Selden, S., & Sowa, J. E. (2011). Performance Management and Appraisal in Human Service Organizations: Management and Staff Perspectives. Public Personnel Management, 251-264.

Article Source : Axpert Jobs

6 Massive Benefits of Entering Into Career in Sales

If you are little confused about whether it is good to start a career in sales or not then the article below is really useful for you. There is no point to discourage a person who is entering into sales because this field has massive advantages. The only fact is that you do your work with positive attitude and know how to prove yourself. Anyone can succeed in the sales job and there is no doubt to say that this job can bring money as well as happiness for you. There are lots of opportunities at every next step and if you can use them skillfully then you will have huge growth.
Below are 6 massive benefits of entering into a career in sales:
Sales jobs are entertaining and fun oriented. If you have fun in life along with high income then you are definitely going to lead a bright career path.
  • Skills in this sector are portable. The selling skills that you learn with each passing year can be further adapted into a potential market. Although you might face some changes in terms of product or services but the skill of selling stays on the top and it can bring great opportunity ahead.
  • There is no doubt to say that sales experts are in demand these days. Those who are able to sale can fit themselves in any environment with competing market forces. In most of the cases, a small as well as big company is always ready to hire a person who has quality to sell. That demand is almost impossible to fill so you will get best job opportunitiesat every next step.
  • There is no ceiling condition on income. More you improve your skills, more are the chances to get high pay scale. The commission to get a result of your efforts. No sales manager will say you that your performance was good till now but now you have to slow down. Everyone will boost you to carry business forward with great returns. And it ultimately brings great incentives to you.
  • Even with very small capital investment you can bring massive returns. You need not to join college for 7 years like a doctor to sharpen your skills. You don’t even need to spend hundred dollars to buy a new empire to start with. You are able to start your career by simply investing the best in you- that are your skills. Your real investment will be the time that you will spend while learning your skills and soon they will start creating great profits for you.
  • There are challenges everywhere. Each and every day of your sales career brings challenges. You will never find any two days same rather every next moment is a challenge for you and if able to prove yourself no one can stop you from succeeding. These challenges help to learn new things at every step and they definitely make us perfect day by day
Article Source : Axpert Jobs

Impact of Training on Employee Performance

With the fast-evolving world, increasing competition and new technology, it is imperative for an organization to keep their business formula, technology in use as well as employee skills updated. For this reason, departments and policies like employee training and development and, research and development (R & D) are put into practice. Research has shown that there is ample evidence suggesting that there is “a medium to large size effect for organizational training” (Arthur Jr., 2003).
Furthermore, given the training method implemented, the skills taught and the chosen evaluation criteria are all the factors which are related to the effectiveness of the training program. Findings have shown that there is a clear relationship between learning and performance. Moreover, there also exists a moderated relationship between training motivation and response with regards to learning. However, it should be understood that training is a complex process which may moderate some relationship while mediating others (John E. Mathieu, 1992). Coaching or training at a workplace not only contributes to skill development of the employees but also brings positive outcomes for the organization.
Through the examination of the training methods used, for example, the method of the training period, the format or the use of feedback, showed that types of coaches indicate significant positive impact. Given the significant positive impact of workplace training on employee learning and organizational development, it is important to implement a training program which is carried out by internal coaches and excludes multi-source feedback for it to be more effective. As far as strategies for training are concerned it is beneficial to put into use teaching methods like face-to-face teaching or the use of blended techniques (Guillaume, 2015).


Arthur Jr., W. B. (2003). Effectiveness of training in organizations: A meta-analysis of design and evaluation features. Journal of Applied Psychology, 234-245.
Guillaume, R. J. (2015). The effectiveness of workplace coaching: A meta‐analysis of learning and performance outcomes from coaching. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 249-277.
John E. Mathieu, S. I. (1992). Influences of Individual and Situational Characteristics on Measures of Training Effectiveness. Academy of Management Journal.

Article Source : Axpert Jobs

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Hiring Locals over Expats

We are all aware that we live in a global community and that is a reality. For many HR professionals, it is becoming common to not only focus on a local workforce, but also a global one.
Many HR network contributors have also shared their views about hiring international co-workers to help grow business and train new employees in a foreign country. In this article, let’s look at the other side of the coin: hiring locals over expats.
According to the Financial Times an employee who is sent to live abroad for a set time period is called an expatriate employee. An expatriate is expected to relocate abroad, with or without family, for as short a period as six months to a year; typical expat assignments, usually, range from two to five years.
Advantages of Hiring Locals for your International Business:
  1. Knowledge of the local culture and business practices
Local candidates understand the culture in which they live. That means they can navigate potential problems with greater ease. That usually translates to higher productivity and a decrease in financial loss, if any.
2. Locals are fluent in the language and can manage workers using local resources
Often, HR professionals and those doing the hiring get stuck on whether the employee speaks the language which is native to the company. For example, an American company may favor an English-speaking expat over a local… even if the local candidate is ahead of the other candidate. Don’t let the language keep you from hiring the best person for the job.
3.Cost much less than expats
Hiring an expat can cost up to two-three times more than hiring a local candidate. Costs include everything from the expats normal salary to relocation costs, and language and cultural training. Those costs by the way aren’t just for the expat, but also the expat’s family.
4 Encourages Diversity
Hiring locals means diversifying the workforce. It also gives a company a better chance at growing business abroad and in different ways.
Disadvantages of Hiring Locals for your International Business
  1. The people with the necessary job skills could be limited
Depending upon the product, your choice of candidates may be limited. That doesn’t mean a company can’t hire local and then train the new workforce. It just means more money and time spent bringing the local workforce up to the expected skill level.
2. Locals may not understand the company’s values or common practices
Depending upon where a particular company was founded, it’s fair to say it derives some of its values and common practices from its country of origin. Transplanting those to another country and another culture can be problematic.
Hiring local over expatriates or vice versa is a big decision. Here are some things to consider.
Make sure to focus decisions on the local culture. Is the foreign culture similar enough to the one where the company is already located? Are there ways to learn from the foreign culture and work some of its best qualities into the business model?
Think of the big picture. If the company is opening an office branch in a foreign country, what are the future plans? Will the company continue to grow into other countries? If so, try to plan for that eventuality. Construct a global plan and pick places that make sense based on where the company is already located.
For workers to keep earning, they have to keep learning.

Article Source : Axpert Jobs

HR role in protecting employees from gender discrimination

Company culture is a major factor in the world of hiring and business. When it comes to improving work productivity and employee relations, gender bias is often something that is easily overlooked.
Knowing how to respond to gender bias in the workplace isn’t as clear-cut as it may seem, but it’s still important for workers. “Gender diverse companies have higher returns than non-gender diverse companies,” says Sallie Krawcheck, co-founder of Ellevest. “They have lower risk, greater innovation, greater employee engagement. The performance of companies with gender-diverse teams is so much better.”
In the last few years, charges of gender discrimination in the workplace have increased. How exactly should an HR safeguard against discrimination in his or her workplace? What is the best way to handle it?
Dealing effectively with discrimination is a two-step process: become knowledgeable with regard to anti-discrimination laws, and pay close attention to what’s happening in your company.
Here are some general guidelines for HR’s to follow when confronted with a complaint of any type of discrimination:
1. Pay attention to what you don’t see. You can’t always see it, prove it, or stop it, but if you ignore even the hint of discriminatory behaviour, you and your company could suffer in the long run. Low morale, employee conflicts, and even lawsuits are just a few of the serious problems that could arise.
2. Don’t play favorites. If you offer certain benefits to employees, make sure these perks are available to everyone. For example, if you want to provide a flexible work arrangement for your older workers, avoid appearing discriminatory by being sure to offer this option to everyone.
3. Keep your personal beliefs personal. Your personal philosophy regarding race, religion, and other potentially inflammatory issues should not affect your duty to monitor workplace discrimination, nor should it cloud your views regarding what’s legal and just.
4. As it’s easy for an off the record remark — said by either you or an employee is enough to start a whirlwind of bad feelings. Think before you say something that might be misconstrued, and teach your employees to conduct themselves similarly. People should not be afraid to be themselves, but they do need to be careful, sensitive, and knowledgeable about what’s okay to say and what’s better left unsaid.
5. Respond quickly. If an employee expresses concern about possible workplace discrimination, do what you can in the shortest period of time to resolve the issue. Allowing it to delay will only add to the employee’s anxiety. Establish a clear policy for yourself and others for dealing with the problem.
6. Proper Investigation – Who said what? What exactly happened? Who else was involved? Along with the help and guidance of their peer manager, talk to the person who has been accused. Make sure to take and protect copious notes of your discussions.
7. Educate yourself – Stay informed about workplace discrimination. Talk with your peers in similar and different industries, read your daily newspaper for information about what’s happening locally, and conduct research on discrimination and harassment law. Find out what it means for you as an employer.
8. Propose a Gender Equality Training or Workshop – Hosting a gender equality workshop can help with this, even if it’s just by getting the issue of gender bias out there in the first place. “Every time we talk about culture or our people or hiring or firing, every time that we talk and bring in issues of not just gender bias but all kinds of bias, I push that we constantly question ourselves and ask, ‘Is our bias impacting our hiring decisions in some way?'” Being aware of gender bias is the first step toward correcting it.
9. Create and post an anti-discrimination policy. Keep in mind that no anti-discrimination policy will be taken seriously unless you take concrete action against any possible wrongdoing. After you’ve assessed the situation and consulted a lawyer, determine how you’re going to proceed. If you discover that some kind of discrimination has taken place, decide if you will start with a warning, insist on counseling, or formally terminate the accused.
Eliminating bias in the workplace isn’t just a one-and-done kind of thing. It takes continuous, concentrated and committed effort. It is nothing to play with. Don’t start the work if you don’t intend to finish it.

Article Source : Axpert Jobs

Importance of an Efficient and Positive Working Environment

The working environment is one of the  most important things that influence employee motivation and happiness, and how productive they are. Apart from  solely job responsibilities, the reason being it is where the employee will do their work.
If your work environment is ‘positive’, it means you will adapt well into the work culture of that organization. Less challenging environment means more productivity. If you are on good terms with your superiors and your co-workers, you feel comfortable working in the office, and at the end of the day, this shall give you a sense of accomplishment and a positive experience, you’ll find that you are much more satisfied and productive.
Every organization needs to create and maintain a healthy and stable work environment, so that they can attract and retain the best talent, boost employee morale and to create a healthy and stress-free environment where employees love to work and excel.
Below are a few such tips which would help you understand how to do so as an HR:
1. Clear Communication
Good communication and reach is one of the most essential part of an effective working space. Having a two-way communication between hierarchical figures and employees is a good policy. Such an open door policy will make sure that a strong and organized network of communication is being established. Effective and clear communication always makes working much more efficient and productive for everyone. This method is also helpful in generating ideas, expressing creativity and encouraging contribution from employees all across the organization, which in turn creates very professional yet open work culture in small to medium businesses.
2. Reviews & Feedback
Feedbacks should be flexible enough to become a part of the weekly propaganda so that employees can receive and share feedback without hurting anyone’s ego. Open recognition of achievements of your employees is also very important to promote the value of hard work and to motivate and improve performances. It also helps to recognize any inside issues or  problems within the team, so that you can quickly address the issues and in turn help to promote a healthy work environment.
3. Resources & Tools
Now a days often work may rely heavily on tools and apps that new hires may not be familiar with due to today’s ever-changing technology. And help may not always be available. A healthy work environment must have resources and facilities in place, both online and offline, for employees to refer to for assistance on topics and techniques required to fulfill their role and to encourage them to learn more.
4. Cheerful Environment
A positive working environment is all about creating a good & stable overall work environment. It can directly impact the attitude and productivity of employees, and their mindset about their ability be productive. Simple things such as comfortable temperature and lighting, adequate personal working space, pantry stock, controlled noise levels, the quality of the air, the furniture and fittings, and so on can impact the organizational work environment in a big way. The main aim is to create comfortable and healthy work areas for every employee, and give them their freedom to set up their own work-spaces. Interaction and communication should always be encouraged, which will make the office a more lively and cheerful place to work in for everyone.
5. Personalizing employee relationships
No one likes to be treated as just an employee. Get to know them a bit up close, ask and learn about their hobbies and interests, families, and backgrounds. Ask them their favorite band. Know their personality outside the office. This is a great opportunity to create a more deeper, more productive relationship with your employees. You will gain true respect.
A healthy, stable, efficient and positive work environment is a big part of the organizational culture, and can have a very big impact on its ability to attract the best human resource.
It is also essential to know that organizational culture and working environment comes from the top. An entrepreneur’s big responsibility is to create, develop and nurture the right kind of working environment for everyone to function in the organization.
Feel free to add your thoughts on this in the comments section below.

Article Source : Axpert Jobs

Attributes of a Digital HR Leader

During today’s era of technological revolution, the goals of HR leaders have remained the same: to attract, grow, develop, reward, and retain the talent needed to achieve organizational goals. It’s a challenge for HR managers to bring new skills and capabilities to meet the requirements of a digital & technically dynamic business environment.
During this prime digital age of knowledge and information, technology will automate whatever can be automated, but will not touch the scope of human creativity and innovation. According to recent studies conducted on top organizations, the organizations are finding it more difficult comparatively to lay hands on the quality of talent they require. More research shows that organizations approaching the recruitment process strategically are  achieving better results.
HR leaders will therefore need to bring a unique strategic policy to the challenges of the employees of their organization.
  1. Inquisitiveness& quick-learning
At present technologic change and innovation is growing at the pace of light, the solutions that work at present, might not work in the future. HR leaders have to be curious about their roles, analyze trends that can be a cause of challenges or opportunities, and actively enquiring, investigating and constantly growing. In an increasingly fast moving culture, those who are active, curious and quick to learn will gain an edge.
  1. Risk Taking
HR leaders are have often been considered as less risk takers. This cautious approach will not work for HR leaders well in a culture where safe, known solutions are not likely to be found, and if they are any, they will be used by everyone else, and will fail to give you any competitive edge.
  1. Enable not Control
HR leaders who focus less on the control issues , and more on the facilities and opportunities the technology provides will better serve their organizations.
You need to make strong authentic online collaborative effort and feedback and review mechanism inside your organization. This will give you some considerable benefits rather than trying to controlling your employees to not to use social media as a measure of cost cutting.
  1. Future Oriented Focus
In the current fast paced digital world, those HR leaders who are future focused will be best prepared to meet the  challenges. Setting up relationships with key talent long before vacancies are open can be good strategy. Talents can be managed and relationships can be fostered with potential candidates, and some investment can be made in potential candidates to make them more enthusiastic about the organization.
HR leaders will have to play a key role in identifying future opportunities, in assessing probable future strategies of  competitors. To nurture this sort of future focus, HR leaders will have to cultivate and maintain good networks to spot which future trends are the most important.
5. Business Motivated
It has been noticed that those HR leaders who are involved in the business, and who understand and participate in strategic business leadership, are more effective in delivering talent and people strategies.
A dedicated focus on the business, competitors, markets, and the external environment will help any HR leader perform better. Firstly they will be more capable of predicting trends which will affect the organization’s talent, and thus they will be able to strategically plan ahead. Also this will ensure that the people and talent strategies will be closely linked to the goals of the organization. Therefore, those with this business focus will establish credibility within the network of senior leaders which will be crucial to apply the engagement strategies that are so important to achieve success in the global knowledge-based world.
  1. Understanding Importance of Data and Analytics
In these digital times, companies have a lot of employee data. HR leaders who understand the importance of this data which is helpful to improve the quality of people decisions and contribute to talent strategies will outshine those who look at this only as the result of operations.
As HR leaders are not required to have deep technical knowledge, they will still however, need to understand the power of this data, the treasure that it is, and to make sure that this data is captured and analyzed in the best possible way keeping in mind company decisions and strategy.
Just like how market and customer insights are analyzed to imbue marketing strategies, people and HR data analytics are progressively a dominant benefactor to creating effective HR strategies. HR leaders with strategic & analytical thinking are on the right direction. Likewise they will be depending on the data which is available to answer these questions, hence be better placed for coming up with solutions to future challenges. Digital HR leaders must invest time building pacts with those who have the analytical and technical skills required to understand big data, and to use it to create predictive analytics which identify the HR initiatives helping the business.
  1. Transparent Leadership
One of the most important aspect of our Digital Age is Transparency. Consumers and employees alike have access to transparent reviews about any organizations or product through Glassdoor, LinkedIn, Amazon, and a ton of other sites.Transparency and originality is also expected from HR leaders. Conceivably our cognizance of the weight of data and the potential of analytics available today makes us look for signs that those leading us are being original.
For HR leaders, it provides a huge challenge to understand the benefits of the digital age, Yet it is important to keep in mind that while leading in an original and open way it encourages trust and engagement from fellow employees.
  1. Human Touch
It is no lie that the scale of technology transformation happening right now is unmatched, the rate at which day to day life is being lived continues to increase. Deloitte’s global human capital trends research shows that more than two-thirds of all organizations thought that their employees were drowning in too many projects, too many meetings and calls, and always-on 24×7 work atmosphere.
It is very clear to most of us that we are living in an age of never ending barrage, leading to information overload coming from all kinds of sources. This severely effects stress levels. In this digital age, HR leaders will need to embrace humanity and human sensitivity to help the organizations balance the digital and the physical world.
  1. Negotiation Skills
As a conclusion, HR leaders will need to hone their negotiation and political skills required to obtain the resources to provide best in class HR experience in the digital age. If an organization’s talent is progressively going to provide an aggressive advantage, the strength of the HR team, lies in investing time in learning leadership skills, as well as HR technology and analytics, will all be crucial.

Article Source : Axpert Jobs

Best HR practices

In today’s world wheather you are an entrepreneur managing and scaling up your own venture or a manager in an established MNC, effectively managing Human resource can be pain if you are not in line with the best practices followed in this industry. Below are some of the best HR practices which can help you plan your HR activities more effectively.
Employee rule-book:
Always draft an employee rulebook. Make sure that everyone including you know the rulebook inside out. This simple yet effective tool can save you a lot of time and effort in the time of need. Take into consideration of the employers goals and values and the employees welfare when you are preparing the rulebook.
Labour laws:
Learn the labour laws of the country you are operating. If it’s an MNC learn the labour laws of the countries your company operates. Proper knowledge of the labour laws will not only help you to manage your resources better but also help you to foresee any unwanted situations.
Be consistent about your work. Wheather it’s recruitment or payrole management, also be consistent regarding your goals, work ethics and your deadlines. A consistent mind is a more disciplined mind and hence will give you an edge in today’s fast paced and competitive work environment.
Emotional intelligence:
What many people fail to understand is Emotional Intelligence or Emotional Quotient or EQ is as important as Intelligence Quotient or IQ. Now-a-days many top companies are training their human resources to be more emotionally intelligent or in short to be a better empath. A better EQ can help in you better conflict resolution in workspace.
Recruitment and compensation:
Always recruit candidates, who you see can deal with the stress that comes with the job, not the job itself. People may be good executives but in the long run if they can’t deliver because of the work stress and has no way of coping up with it, there is no point hiring them. Try to know the candidate at a more personal level to understand this and compensate the candidate based on your judgement on this.
By keeping in mind these simple tips you can make sure your company is keeping up with best HR practices which is essential to any organisation to hire and retain their talent.

Article Source : Axpert Jobs

How To Manage A Recruitment Drive?

Countless managers and newcomers to the field alike are struggling when it comes to the intricacies of managing a massive recruitment drive, is there a simple way for the HR department to organize themselves to handle sudden flow of new employees?
In fact, you can check out these tips to better plan your recruitment drive as you work toward on-boarding new team members. Learn what important mistakes to avoid and to manage a recruitment drive like a professional.
Don’t drop the rock on your own foot
Firstly, you need to understand that your hard work for any recruitment drive will be in vain if you don’t know what key mistakes to lookout for. Most HR managers expect their teams to be equipped to deal with the sudden influx of applicants, but many companies fail to realize that they have not put in much effort time and resources towards the recruitment process. It is important to collect data about your own recruitment process in particular.
For example, many HR managers don’t keep count of the numerous applicants who don’t make it through to the end of the recruitment process, which is a huge mistake. You may think you have nothing to learn from those applicants who don’t end up finishing the recruitment process but, you can actually study the rejected candidates to determine why they felt your company wasn’t the right fit for them. Check out some of the most common reasons recruitment drives end in failure, and you’ll be well equipped to avoid the terrible mistakes that have failed other efforts before you.
Another sign that your recruitment drive is being handled in an un-professional way is that it’s relying on old methods of doing business, rather than making use of digital technology to maximize your department’s potential look into the benefits of digital recruitment strategies and help yourself in the long run. It may be challenging to approach your managers with more funding request to, but digital technology is a must if you have to successfully recruit candidates who will stay with your company longer.
You need to understand that the distinct workers you’re trying to attract have different schedules, and that you need to be flexible if you want your recruitment drive to truly be a success. Take extra steps to ensure that your recruitment drive is a day-long event, then, You’re not only attracting those workers who can attend in daylight hours, Accommodating all working hours is essential towards extending your list of potential applicants. If your drives have been failing to draw an enthusiastic turnout, you may be holding them at the wrong time, or at hard-to-reach location.
Specializing in the recruitment drive process
To become a real recruitment drive expert, you have to focus on streamlining the application process, which can be frustrating and time consuming for potential applicants. This doesn’t mean you need to lower your expectations, of course, but rather that you should be focused on making it as easy as possible for workers of different backgrounds to apply to your open positions. Avoiding complex forms that need to be filled out every time is an excellent way of streamlining your overall recruitment process.
If mastering how to streamline the recruitment process isn’t the main highlight of your HR department’s recruitment process then, your strategy will become old with time, eventually leading to dull results. Don’t think that just because something worked during last year’s recruitment drive it will work out well again this year; Be innovative, and keep an eye out for new technological changes, if you don’t want to be left behind by the competition.
Despite the urgency of streamlining your existing applications, you shouldn’t let your standards down. This may include expanding your HR staff, which may cost the business some money, but will end up saving it countless sums of cash in the long run. An intense focus on the recruitment drive process shouldn’t entirely consume the time of your team but; if your HR department is only focused on managing the recruitment drive at the expense of its existing employees, you’re just adding unwanted troubles to your itinerary. Keeping a fine balance between managing new recruits and treating existing employee’s right, you will be able to avoid any tragedies.
Best candidates can come from the most unexpected places, keeping an open mind is the best way to enhance your recruitment drive’s overall success.
Article Source : Axpert Jobs

What Is HRIS ?

As the corporate culture is developing and updating day by day, it requires the HR systems to also update. Much time is taken by the HR systems to evolve from the manual process that was used for years to the self-service HRIS system.
HRIS is the acronym for Human Resource Information System, which is a software package that helps HR’s in management of human resources, business processes and data. It is mainly developed to help the human resource management professionals to manage and handle the data more efficiently and professionally. In other words, it is the intersection of Human resource management with Information technology. It looks after a number of activities which includes all those activities which are related to human resource management, accounting, management and payrolls.With the incorporation of HRIS into the corporate culture, the HRM is now working more efficiently and is developing into a better system.
There are various components of the HRIS System like Database, time and labor management, payroll function, benefits, employee interface, recruitment and retention. Every component has its own specific function and importance. Like the database component of the HRIS provides a database to store all the information of the employee. This employee information can be accessed from anywhere, anytime. Time and labor management allows the employees to feed their worked hours onto the system, which can be viewed by the manager and the employee’s punctuality can be observed. The payroll function of the HRIS let the HR to easily download the employee work hours. He can very easily issue pay-cheques to the employee or the payroll deposits. This software also helps to maintain the employee benefits and compensations like the medical benefits. The employees also have a limited access to the HRIS.

Article Source : Axpert Jobs

How to hire better talents?

The hiring process always has been one of the most important and tedious aspect of an organization and it’s success. While the demand is high you also don’t want to hire just any person who is fit for the job on paper. But how to know if you are hiring the better talents than your competition? Well while only time can provide you with that answer, here we are talking about five tips for you to hire better talents for your organization.
1. Be specific
The hiring process starts right from when you sit and draft the job description for the position you want to hire. So make sure that you describe the position as neatly as you can. A vague job description will attract a lot of unwanted candidature for the position. Equally a neat and to the point job description can attract better suitors and can save you a lot of time during the interview process.
2. Selection of candidates
The process of selection of the candidates though has many aspects to it, ultimately, apart from the necessary skills, it comes down to one thing, the very individual you are going to hire for the job should have equal passion and commitment to work for your organization. A career oriented focused individual will always have a higher efficiency and success rate than a guy who happens to be there because there was a shortage of manpower.
3. Practical experience
Experience is the best skill you can have in a person. Apart from improving efficiency and problem solving skills, experience also improves your emotional quotient and stress handling skills. Look into the candidates all possible experiences not just the work experience to know him better. Ask him about his different life experiences and their perspective on those. This will really help you to connect with individual and you will be able to assess better.
4. Personality traits
Skills are acquired but personality is not. So sometimes even the most skilled candidate might not be a good fit for the job if he lacks the required personality traits. Look for specific personality traits in candidates needed for the job role. Get to know the strengths that is required to do the job and test your candidates on this traits.
5. The right fit
Your candidate should be good fit in your organization’s structure, culture and ethics. Today’s work culture is more diverse and open, so our jobs require us to work with others and be a part of the team and to effectively communicate with the circle. So look for people with better communication and social skills. These factors also depends entirely on the work culture and work environment of the organization. In general, you don’t want anyone to destroy the positivity in your workplace, so don’t hire persons with previous history of workplace dispute.

Article Source : Axpert Jobs

Simple things that can make you a better HR manager

Are you looking forward to start your career in HR management?! Or may be you are already an HR manager looking forward to explore the path and want to become better at managing human resources for your organization. If you fall under any one of the categories mentioned above, then this article is for you. Here are some simple things that can make you a better HR manager.
1. Be strategic
As an HR your thinking should be always strategic and in line with the company policies and overall goal. While drafting and devising HR strategies, you should have the ability to think and and place yourself both side of the table. This both sided perspective can strengthen your strategic thinking and can make you both a ‘people’s person’ and ‘boss favourite’.
2. Adaptability
Being the HR manager you need to be able to adapt to today’s changing work culture and environment. Keeping yourself updated with recent knowledge of the industry and professions associated with will not only help you in understanding the ever changing industry landscape but also to be flexible enough to understand the requirement of your employer and employee.
3. Eagle’s Vision
You don’t have undergo lasic surgery to improve your eyesight for this. What we meant by Eagle’s vision is the ability see the bigger picture. This quality will help you achieve your long term career goals. It is also quite helpful for developing a desired work culture in your organization. With a great vision you will be able to identify key problems at early stages and this will in turn save you a lot of time and trouble later.
4. Networking
Networking is perhaps one of the most important aspect of being an HR manager. Networking can help you in keeping up updated with the changing pace of the industry culture and lots of valuable life experiences. Don’t limit yourself among your peer group, rather go out and meet new people. New never know where opportunity might smile back at you.
5. Communication
Excellent communication has always been a key factor of success in the corporate world. The ability to express yourself confidently is huge bonus when it comes to team success. Being a good communicator will also help you to better understand both your employer and employee’s requirement. Great communication has also been associated with great leadership, to whom people look up to, and also helps in effective conflict resolution.

Article Source : Axpert Jobs

HR Insights for Improved Performance Outcomes

The workforce trends of the present day have caused a lot of tumult. Despite the challenges such as shorter terms for employees and periodic team formation changes, life has been affected in both small and considerable ways. All organizations worldwide notwithstanding industry, geography or category face pressure every day to meet higher expectations regardless of expenses and cost concerns. But sometimes, expectations cost money and also does not heed any boundaries.
Employees today have higher expectations be it coaching and development or compensation. Organizations too have high expectations of employees. For example, Organizations expect employees to grasp constant changes within the organization, to be more “updated” and take on more responsibility. HRs’ around the world, found that handling high employee expectations is a huge concern. These three insights can help.
Providing a Work-Space Culture that Performs:
Culture is one of the most pressing talent issues today, and organizations expect HRs’ to focus on and execute culture initiatives. But despite most companies now spending more on culture management activities, just 3 out of 10 HR leaders are confident that their organizations have the culture in place for future business performance outcomes.
This is because most culture management activities depend on changing some aspect of employees. For example, most organizations communicate desirable qualities to employees and ask senior heads to structure the culture they require. But the greatest impact on workplace culture is when senior officers stress these qualities in how they manage the business, which only few of them actually do.
The best way to approach this is for companies to shift from a people-focused culture to a process-focused strategy. Create a plan to make sure employees understand the culture and teach them to apply the “how” of culture in their daily work and this requires the leaders to structure processes that support this culture.
Organizations that make these changes could achieve a high workforce-culture synchronicity, resulting in a 9% increase in revenues and a 22% increase in employee performance.
Restructuring of Manager Coaching
Organizational structures, performance management and career expectations have changed the way how employees work today. Nearly 40% of the skills employees apply were acquired within the past year. To do this, Learning & Development depends heavily on managers to take a “always-on” approach to helping employees develop a broad range of skills. But this “training” approach overwhelms managers, causing manager quality to dissipate and employee performance to decrease by 8%.
The best managers’ act as joining blocks and pair up employees with advisors and also personalize the training methods to resonate with employees, power up the team for development, and connect employees with new contacts to expand their horizon of networks and experiences.
Companies that want their managers to fuel better team performances without disconnecting the employees must shift their focus in to developing such managers across the company.
Address pay equity
The workplace is becoming more and more diverse, but progress toward equal pay for equal work has come to a standstill.
Payment gaps are widening over time, and reports show that this will continue to increase by 0.17% every year. Organizations that close gaps and maintain equity now will pay less than those that wait because the cost to correct gaps increases annually.
Current pay equity structures leave organizations vulnerable to increased legal, talent and reputation risks, as well as requiring hard work between wage adjustments. There is a 16% drop in interest to stick on when employees experience a pay gap in their organization. Organizations can reduce risks by incorporating assessments throughout the compensation cycle and using open communication paths to address employee perceptions on the pay gap.

Article Source : Axpert Jobs

Monday, 13 August 2018

Hiring and Managing Creative Employees

Businesses everywhere are trying to create more welcoming atmospheres for employees. But what if the answer isn’t open space or an office cafè, but a higher engagement?
Are you familiar with the intrapreneur? This discussion will also discuss this type of personality.
Intrapreneurs are those employees who are assigned to work on a special projects and ideas, and they are instructed to develop the project like an entrepreneur would. Intrapreneurs usually have the resources and capabilities of the firm at their disposal.
The value of someone that takes ownership, manages a project like it was their own, and faces risks is great. But it requires a lot of trust to make it work.
Creativity and innovation are very valuable. The problem is that most companies are not equipped to handle people that fit the creative profile. It will take effort as hiring these kind of people will provide great benefits to organizations.
Let’s explore 3 scenarios to help with hiring and managing creative people.
Creative Tension
People that are creative have a different perspective to life, and companies are often not inclined to accept that sort of thinking. Whereas, some companies look out for these types of people because they understand the value they can bring.
Creative tension can either be painful and stressful on both parties, or it can be used to find solutions to problems both small and large.
Allowing Them to Contribute
One of the ways to take merit of what these employees have to put on the table is to let them contribute, share, and vote on ideas. There are also many tools in the HR technology marketplace that can help you in this process. Check out Tembostatus or Waggl.
Whatever method is used, the benefit lies in weighing employee ideas for innovation.
Approach them differently
Treating all employees the same is like puncturing a tire. Eventually all the employee turnover will dip, and hiring stalls only to close deadlines and not to hire creativity.
If All employees are treated the same by the company’s owners, it will lead to the creative, valuable people to leave. And the company will only be left with those that don’t do extra work and those who contribute only to their job titles without any creative input.
As you begin this journey, knowing how to hire creative people is one thing and knowing how to manage creative people is something else. Always look for ways to encourage creative, unconventional ideas from your employees at regular intervals.

Article Source : Axpert Jobs